As I have outlined below I am at present in a Hotel in Buffalo as a result of my truck breaking down again, I get a phone call from said member of Management this afternoon to discuss the next move as the repair shop confirmed it will be mid to end of next week before my truck is ready.
I was asked if I would contact one of the drivers passing Buffalo to pick me up and I was to ride shotgun back to to PEI. From there I was told if a trainee driver was going out I could jump in with him then jump out in Buffalo to collect my truck on the way up to Ontario! Basically nurse maid them around free of charge for a week!
During this conversation I requested a new truck due to the amount of time mine has been in the shop over recent months, I was told NO, there are drivers who have been there longer than I and they would take priority, which is a direct crock of crap as a driver from another company joined us a few weeks ago and he got straight into a brand new truck. Never mind the fact that my truck is costing me in earnings, and the company in repair bills, hotel costs, etc. They still have half a dozen brand new trucks parked up at the shop doing sweet F/A but we are expected to continue with unreliable equipment. That really pisses me off, I hate being lied to. So I am now expected to share trucks with other drivers while all my gear is in my truck, so I'm expected to live like a frigging tramp for the next week or until I can get back to buffalo to collect my truck. Great way to look after your staff, they are really going to get a lot out of me in future! NOT!!!!!!!!!
I have tried to let things like this go over my head and tell myself this is how it is, but this has crossed my line of decency. Christ this is how life on the road was 20 years ago. I will not name the individual with whom I had the conversation however those who work with me will know exactly who I am referring to.
Its quite clear and has been for quite some time this individual does not give a shit about the drivers or their welfare. Its all about making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. We make the sacrifice put in the effort go beyond the limits and what is our thanks? Sweet F*** All. It seems we have a 3 tier workforce here,
- New drivers who have next to nothing expect the desire to succeed and want to earn a living and who get pushed and pressured into running long hours and delivery schedules which are nigh on impossible to achieve legally.
- Drivers who have obtained their PR who are not pressured so much as they can go to any other company they want if they are pushed too far and are treated like the new drivers above.
- Canadian or American drivers or drivers who come from other companies who demand they get a new truck and from what I have seen get preferential treatment of equipment, loads, etc etc.
I'm sure that representative's from the company will at some point read this and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the content of above in greater detail.
However if such a invite is not forthcoming then I know that they really don't give a damn.
If this post ends up being my demise with this company so be it, I will no longer be treated as a commodity. I have standards and I have a right to speak my mind, this is my personal blog. To my understanding free speech has not been outlawed and therefore I will exercise my right to free speech. And if I upset or offend any individual or party, well tough shit, I have always spoken my mind and will continue to do so when I feel the need to do so.
I hope the next post will be on a more positive note and topic. Time will tell.